swift – WKWebView iOS 16 Internet Share API on file: protocol


I’m making an attempt to make use of navigator.share in a file operating in WKWebView on iOS 16. The file is loaded into the online view utilizing a file: protocol path like so:

uiView.loadFileURL(Bundle.essential.url(forResource: "index", withExtension: "html", subdirectory: "net")!, allowingReadAccessTo: Bundle.essential.bundleURL)

I’ve this setting on:

configuration.preferences.setValue(true, forKey: "allowFileAccessFromFileURLs")

So I’m able to load file: protocol recordsdata into the online view, however I do not appear to have the ability to use the Internet Share API. I get this error:

NotAllowedError: The request just isn’t allowed by the person agent or the platform within the present context, presumably as a result of the person denied permission.

Nevertheless, once I level the online view at this HTTPS URL, it really works:


This leads me to consider the Internet Share API just isn’t working as a result of the HTML file loaded over the file: protocol just isn’t considered as safe and thus the JavaScript runtime do not deal with the code on it as if it was operating in a safe context.

In consequence, I consider the entry to the navigator.share API is forbidden.

Is there a option to configure WKWebView to permit entry to safe context JS/DOM/net APIs with out utilizing a customized scheme (and including an additional layer atop simply loading my file from the bundle)?


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