ios – HealthKit does not show exercise occasion names


I wish to write knowledge to AppleHealth from my health app. So I create an HKWorkout pattern, and add exercise occasions there (e.g. Squat, Assisted dip, Barbell Curl).

Right here is the way in which I create HKWorkoutEvent array

var workoutEvents = [HKWorkoutEvent]()
var metadata: [String: Any] = [:]
workoutEvents = {
            metadata[HKMetadataKeyWorkoutBrandName] = $0.train.title
                return HKWorkoutEvent(
                    sort: .phase,
                    dateInterval: DateInterval(begin: $0.timeStartedDate, length: 60.0 * 6),
                    metadata: metadata

And right here is the way in which I create single HKWorkout occasion

     let hkworkout = HKWorkout(
        activityType: .traditionalStrengthTraining,
        begin: startDate,
        finish: endDateUsing,
        workoutEvents: workoutEvents,
        totalEnergyBurned: caloriesBurnt,
        totalDistance: nil,
        totalSwimmingStrokeCount: nil,
        machine: .native(),
        metadata: nil)

After which I save that exercise like this

HKHealthStore().save([hkworkout]) { success, error in }

My downside is after I head to Apple Well being app, and browse information from my app, there aren’t any train names displayed. As an alternative I see solely “Section” phrase associated to every exercise, which may be very irritating for the person I suppose, as he would most likely wish to see which exercise he frolicked on, and many others.

See screenshot hooked up under

enter image description here

So I suppose HKWorkoutEvent doesn’t learn knowledge from HKMetadataKeyWorkoutBrandName worth and units “phase” phrase for all of the exercise occasions.

Is there any approach to have precise exercise occasion title displayed in Apple Well being?


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