Blickfeld Lidar – Self-Driving Cars


My latest article in is about Blickfeld, a Munich-based lidar startup with expertise in mirrors and MEMS. I enjoyed interviewing Chief Experience Officer and co-founder Florian Petit.

“Blickfeld isn’t the only MEMS lidar on the market, but co-founder and Chief Experience Office Florian Petit touts that Blickfeld lidar outperform due to their mirrors. “Lidar faces a trade-off between silicon, where small is good, and optics, where large is good,” Petit explains.

Blickfeld has finessed that tension by developing lidar mirrors with unusually large aperture, which allows them to maintain a wide field of view and high signal-to-noise ratio, while packing a large number of beams into a box roughly the size of an apple.”

Read the whole thing for detail on some of their interesting customers, like the Frankfurt Airport.


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