The Programmer’s Mind – podcast


Some facets of software program engineering are simply missed. Within the ebook The Programmer’s Mind a few of these like studying code, interested by code and collaborating on code are on the centre. On this episode, we speak to the creator of this ebook to information us by these facets.

To enhance your coding expertise it’s good to understand how your mind works. That can allow you to set your mind to be just right for you. For those who spent considerably extra time on studying code than on writing code, shouldn’t we focus extra on studying to learn code? These are the subjects we discover on this episode.

For those who’ve ever puzzled what working smarter as a substitute of tougher is meant to appear to be, you must learn this ebook. I’m already seeing enhancements in my day-to-day work.

What the programmer’s mind covers

  • What each programmer must know on how the mind works.
  • What you must learn about cognition.
  • Quite a lot of workouts for programmers.
  • How do I enhance myself on coding?
  • What’s the distinction between an skilled and an intermediate programmer?
  • And Felienne shares concepts and dealing codecs to enhance collaboration on programming.


  • Felienne Hermans – Affiliate Professor at LIACS – Universiteit Leiden. Keynote speaker, podcast host and ebook creator.


Peter Brouwers

Peter Paul van de Beek



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