swift – Since ios 16 my perform for redrawing pictures isn’t working correctly


That is my perform as extension UIImage:

func scaledWithMaxWidthOrHeightValue(worth: CGFloat, spacing: CGFloat = 0, backgroundColor: UIColor = .clear, line: Bool = false, printing: Bool = false) -> UIImage? {
    let width = self.measurement.width
    let peak = self.measurement.peak
    if width < worth && peak < worth {
        return self
    let ratio = width/peak
    var newWidth = worth
    var newHeight = worth
    if ratio > 1 {
        newWidth = min(width, worth)
        newHeight = peak * (newWidth/width)
    } else {
        newHeight = min(peak, worth)
        newWidth = width * (newHeight/peak)
    let rangeWidth = newWidth + spacing * 2
    let rangeHeight = newHeight + spacing * 2
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: rangeWidth, peak: rangeHeight), false, 0)
    let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
    ctx?.fill(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rangeWidth, peak: rangeHeight))
    draw(in: CGRect(x: spacing, y: spacing, width: newWidth, peak: newHeight))
    if printing {
        let size: CGFloat = 7
        let stroke: CGFloat = 0.5
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: spacing, y: 0, width: stroke, peak: size))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: 0, y: spacing, width: size, peak: stroke))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: rangeWidth - spacing, y: 0, width: stroke, peak: size))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: rangeWidth - 8, y: spacing, width: size, peak: stroke))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: rangeWidth - size, y: rangeHeight - spacing, width: size, peak: stroke))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: rangeWidth - spacing, y: rangeHeight - size, width: stroke, peak: size))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: spacing, y: rangeHeight - size, width: stroke, peak: size))
        ctx?.addRect(CGRect(x: 0, y: rangeHeight - spacing, width: size, peak: stroke))
        ctx?.drawPath(utilizing: .fill)
    if line {
        ctx?.addEllipse(in: CGRect(x: spacing, y: spacing, width: newWidth, peak: newHeight))
        ctx?.drawPath(utilizing: .stroke)
    let picture = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
    return picture

And in ios 16 it seems to be like this:

enter image description here

and earlier than the replace it was:

enter image description here

Please, inform me the place is the essential place that’s inflicting the issue?

Downvoting doesnt change something, as a result of it’s query like every other.


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