ios – ‘Executable path is a listing’ Xcode popup error


I’ve an iOS Xcode venture with 3 targets – AppTarget, Lib1 and Lib2.


  • AppTarget depends on Lib1 and Lib2. It has no code (SceneDelegate, AppDelegate and so forth. is moved to Lib1).
  • Lib1 is a static library containing the AppDelegate and SceneDelegate (Lets not get into why they had been moved right here from the AppTarget).
  • Lib2 is a static library, depending on Lib1. It extends the SceneDelegate class utilizing swift extensions.

With the intention to get the above construction, I had so as to add, take away file references and set dependencies.

Once I run the AppTarget, I get the next popup after construct succeeds,
enter image description here

Pasting the above error as a textual content,


Executable Path is a Listing
Area: DVTMachOErrorDomain
Code: 5
Restoration Suggestion: /Customers/<user_name>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project_name>-bnytgzvocmpwyuajjxxjivpkymui/Construct/Merchandise/Debug-iphonesimulator/<project_name>.app is just not a legitimate path to an executable file.
Consumer Data: {
    DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2022-11-03 08:04:49 +0000";

I am unsure why this occurred. I did not mess with the default executable path in Xcode->Preferences->Location tab.

There’s an Apple discussion board submit which describes an identical error (not the identical).
The answer was to verify for references of outdated information, which aren’t current now. I’ve verified the Goal->Construct Phases->Compile Sources of all 3 targets and issues are as anticipated….Did not see any ‘faint information’.

What am I lacking right here? Any assist will likely be tremendously appreciated.

I am utilizing Xcode 14.0.1 and swift 5+.


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