ios – Async await swift ui


I’ve the next code, I want to use async-await for the 2 calls.

In the intervening time contained in the perform I used a type of verify variable, which when each are set the code is executed.

How can I do?

.onAppear { .background).async {
        getRemoteHead(url: repoUrlStr)
        getRemoteBranch(url: repoUrlStr)
    func getRemoteHead(url: String) {
        do {
            let department = strive Distant().getRemoteHEAD(url: url)
            if department[0].comprises("deadly:") {
                Log.warning("Error: getRemoteHead")
                activeSheet = .error("Error: getRemoteHead")
            } else {
                self.mainBranch = department[0]
                self.selectedBranch = department[0]
                self.verify += 1
                if verify == 2 {
                    verify = 0
                    activeSheet = .choose
        } catch {
            Log.error("Failed to seek out predominant department title.")

    func getRemoteBranch(url: String) {
        do {
            let branches = strive Distant().getRemoteBranch(url: url)
            if branches[0].comprises("deadly:") {
                Log.warning("Error: getRemoteBranch")
                activeSheet = .error("Error: getRemoteBranch")
            } else {
                self.arrayBranch = branches
                self.verify += 1
                if verify == 2 {
                    verify = 0
                    activeSheet = .choose
                    DispatchQueue.predominant.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
                        // Drive a UI Replace.
        } catch {
            Log.error("Failed to seek out branches.")


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