fb – FB login not engaged on iOS after improve to FB SDK 14.1.0


We’re utilizing Unity 2019.4.15f1.After upgrading to FB SDK 14.1.0 when clicking on login with fb button the iOS app is freezing and crashing.

I can see this within the logs:

Sep 21 15:29:21 iPhone MyProject(UnityFramework)[15154] : Uncaught exception:

InvalidOperationException: fb0 is just not registered as a URL scheme. Please add it in your Information.plist
   0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000019076529c 6B22DD81-3585-3BE6-BC77-BA19810EC0F2 + 627356
   1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00000001a9495744 objc_exception_throw + 60
   2   FBSDKCoreKit                        0x00000001056dd3bc -[FBSDKInternalUtility validateFacebookReservedURLSchemes] + 0
   3   FBSDKLoginKit                       0x0000000105a99624 $s13FBSDKLoginKit12LoginManagerC15logInParameters13configuration12loggingToken20authenticationMethodSDyS2SGSgAA0C13ConfigurationCSg_SSSgSStF + 372
   4   FBSDKLoginKit                       0x0000000105a97544 $s13FBSDKLoginKit12LoginManagerC19performBrowserLogIn33_C218275A97333B874EDDFE627110566CLL7handleryySb_s5Error_pSgtcSg_tF + 1216
   5   FBSDKLoginKit                       0x0000000105aa1b00 $s13FBSDKLoginKit12LoginManagerC5logIn33_C218275A97333B874EDDFE627110566CLL11permissions7handleryShyAA12FBPermissionCG_yAA0cdC6Resul

That is what we now have in our information.plist file .


We’ve this LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in our information.plist file too:



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