ADU 01248: Can Drone Service Providers get the high end tv and film drone jobs ?


Today’s show is about Drone Service Providers (DSP) and if they continue to be in demand to contract and fly for major events and film crews or if the market has shifted towards media houses staffing their own crew for such events.

Our question for today is from Ken in New Jersey, who would like to know if DSPs get the higher end tv and film drone jobs and to understand the opportunities available for DSPs.

A very relevant question in today’s context as events – major and local, are increasingly utilizing aerial shoots to enhance the experience of viewers. Considering the recent events such as Superbowl where a fleet of drones were used to provide aerial imagery and live entertainment.

Paul and Rob start responding to today’s question by talking about companies covering major events such as Super Bowl/ NASCAR races that continue to be DSP but how these DSPs have evolved over time. Specifically we address how drone skills are evolving, now that DSPs are increasingly adapting to meet such requirements.

We also discuss how Media houses are purchasing footage and why heavy team based DSPs are winning contracts.

Whether you are an individual drone pilot or planning to starting off as a DSP, You don’t want to miss this show !

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[01:50] Today’s question from Ken in New Jersey, is if Drone Service Providers get the higher end tv and film drone jobs
[04:10] Paul talks about Beverley Hills Aerials who covered Super Bowl and NASCAR and who function as a DSP
[04:30] Evolution of drone skills in today’s modern DSP

[05:10] Jobs that DSPs are being offered and how types of DSPs in today’s drone world has evolved

[08:14] How Media is purchasing footage and why heavy team based DSP are winning contracts


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